Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fatherhood Friday - I'll dance with you always.

Happy Fatherhood Friday! For those who don't know what this is all about, you need to head yourself on over to It's an amazing group of people and I've already been introduced to a slew of online awesome people. You cute little girl-girls are totally welcome over there too. 

This FF post isn't going to be very long because there really isn't much to write on the topic. I don't even know why I think about it sometimes since it is so far off into the future. 

Someday I'm going to have to let her go

20 odd some years from now I'm sure she'll find an amazing man who treats her well, and she'll leave me. I swear I'm such a wuss when she just turned 1 and already I get choked up about something that isn't going to happen for a very long time. 

I especially think about this when we dance, because we'll dance at her wedding. 

But for now, she's all mine!


Garret said...

You'll be lucky if she doesn't leave you at 18, with such a messy kitchen.


ShankRabbit said...

@Jim and Garret

Ha! That's not even our kitchen... it's Grandma's.

(Ours is WAAAAYYY messier! So I'm guessing she'll be gone by 15-16. lol)

Pam said...

my ex was like that. he started thinking about when they grow up and start dating. he told them they couldn't date until they were 35 and married or that he's gonna have to have a shotgun lol

Rob said...

i feel you on this one. i have a 13 yr old so I am sorta close and I have a 21 month old. it is going to be tough when they leave home for sure! Happy FF

Andrew's Daddies said...

Wow..very light on your feet!
I know it will be a sad day, but just think about how much money you will be spending on the wedding..that should turn the mood a slight.

WeaselMomma said...

MTD just said you are light in your loafers, lol.
Time flies when you are raising kids. On her wedding day you will wonder how she grew so fast.

Lauren said...


Jason said...

Too cute. Great dancing!

Eternal Lizdom said...

Next step will be her dancing with her feet on top of yours. Jeff and Teagan do that- so adorable.

Love this video!! Save it so you can share it again at her wedding reception or graduation party... or as humilation when she's 14.

Colorado Dad said...

Now that's damn cute! I cringe when I think about handing mine the car keys for the first time, or taking pictures before prom!

Mocha Dad said...

I think about the day that some boy will take my precious princess. Until that day, I will cherish each moment.

Otter Thomas said...

Nice moves. I would have crashed into everything if I tried to pull off all those spins and twirls.

New-Dad-Blog said...

I'm ok with thinking about her being married, but its the dating thing in the teen years that gets me.

I know what I was up to at that age. . .

creativeDad said...

That's a great video ShankRabbit...pretty good dance skills too. :)

Super Mega Dad said...

So, is this the video you are sending into "Dancing with the Stars" for your audition? You got some great moves there! I'm with Otter, I would have gone down in a blaze of glory somewhere around there.

Craig said...

I have a 6 year old...I don't want to think more than a year or two out. Wedding...Hey is someone cutting onions?

BellaDaddy said...

OK, as mushy (and unbelievable) as this may sound...I read, I watched...and I teared up...Gee, Thanks! :-)

21stcenturyman said...

Love the video! Seems so long ago I was doing things like that with my two girls (now 10 and 12). I was worried about those things too, but I just keep building a great relationship with each of them and I know that they will bring good people into their lives. The bit by bit, day by day nature of them growing up softens the blow of things which seem really big when they are so young.

KWG said...

Frick. I didn't want to cry this early on a Saturday. I think about the same things with Bea. Sigh.

Busy-Dad-E said...

I'm surprised no one has yet to compliment Niamonster on HER dance skills. After all, she did all of the same moves you did BACKWARDS and never stepped on your toes once. :)